Volume XXV Issue I THE POST January 27, 2024
Jr. Vice Commander’s Call
During the past month a few items on our building punch list have been corrected or changed by the Village Parks and Recreation crews.
First, the door locks on the front and back door have been changed so we can have the doors unlocked to allow people to enter. No more duct tape and wood spacer needed to keep the door open. A door closure unit was also added to each door to keep the doors closed which work very well.
The construction company working in the area has increased the number of parking spots by the building to 10 to 12 spots. Slowly the number of spots has been increasing.
The new garage which we will have half for our storage space is looking good. I believe, it was just completed. The landscaping is being done currently. The Veterans Center sign that was in front of the old building has been moved to the new garage and put in our space. That sign was given to the Vets Center by one of our members, so it has a lot of meaning to the Post.
In the last meeting I reported that I am looking for a place to hold our Post picnic. It was suggested we hold the picnic at the new post. I have evaluated that suggestion, and it is looking good. The village will bring in more tables, we have the kitchen in the post building for washing, and restrooms. As for food, we will have a food truck brought in. Good food and less cleanup.
As a reminder, the construction area is considered an area that requires safety gear to be worn. That means hard hat and safety shoes, safety glasses to start. I recommend everyone stay out of the construction area until the construction is completed. We will inform when it is ok to go into that area.​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Bob Reger, Junior Vice Commander
Senior Vice Commander’s Call

State set our membership goal at 154 men and women of honor. We exceeded that a while ago. We are at 158 members which puts us at 103%. One of the best jobs in the district, division and state by any post. A strong salute to your "Esprit De Corp". However, with the cycle of life as it is sadly members pass. We remember them with pride, affection and the contribution they made. With their passing we must continue to bring new members into the post. I appreciate everyone who has assisted in this process.
As I have mentioned in prior newsletters, we always have members on sick call, recovering from an illness or surgery and returning to their everyday activities. Such is the case with Commander Chambers as he regains his strength from his surgery and treatment. With his weight loss he now fits into his "dress whites". With both Navy Veterans Commander Chambers and Jr Vice Reger fitting into their active duty uniforms the 64-million-dollar question is will Sr Vice Morrell fit into his Army uniform. Sadly, the answer is not a chance. In all candor I do not think I can fit one leg in it. Yes, it is a sad state of affairs and no wonder people are upset that I saw my shadow on "Groundhog Day".
In closing I want to give a strong shout out to Legionnaire Nick Lasole and his lovely wife Marion as they celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. Congratulations and may you be blessed with many more. God bless and take care.
Take care and as always God bless,
Dean Morrell, Senior Vice Commander
24 year 101st Airborne Veteran Bob Hoyt models the legion beret with Senior Vice Commander Dean Morrell.